I just got off happy hour with a group of friends I have been checking in with every couple of weeks. We laugh a lot, and we also compare what things are like in our various corners of the pandemic. Everyone agreed this week was hard-- it doesn't mean there weren't good moments. There were. But it's almost as if folks were running on all gears, being good soldiers, powering through what we thought was going to be a short-term situation. That took a lot, and now that it's clear this is definitely not short-term... the tired is showing. It's extra practice. Practice being kind to ourselves, and to others. Practice feeling our feelings but letting go of things we have no control over. Practice is work. No wonder it shows. WEDNESDAY I didn't blog yesterday, partly because I spent the late afternoon doing yard work, and then enjoying a glass of wine on the patio with Jeff as a reward. And partly because my camera deleted breakfast a...
Repurposing my 15 year old blog, just like we're repurposing that odd pantry ingredient.