The Washington Monthly has long been a critc of the US News and World Report college rankings. Finally, they've come up with an alternative . The idea of ranking schools based upon "what [they] are doing for the country," is an interesting one... and not just because my alma mater ranks as the number one liberal arts college. In the Monthly's own words: Imagine, then, what would happen if thousands of schools were suddenly motivated to try to boost their scores on The Washington Monthly College Rankings. They'd start enrolling greater numbers of low-income students and putting great effort into ensuring that these students graduate. They'd encourage more of their students to join the Peace Corps or the military. They'd intensify their focus on producing more Ph.D. graduates in science and engineering. And as a result, we all would benefit from a wealthier, freer, more vibrant, and democratic country. I think the business of coming up with more mea...
Repurposing my 15 year old blog, just like we're repurposing that odd pantry ingredient.