I've always been interested in online communication. I'm not too shy to admit that I was a geeky HS girl who used IRC way back in 1995. I'm sure I'll wax poetic about the things that fascinate me about the medium in the future, but for now, I'll stick to the point. As an undergrad, I did an ethnographic study of online communication on my little liberal arts campus, and as a result, became actively involved in the online community there. I guess that I was a little more notorious than I thought, because every once in awhile, I'll randomly meet someone who went to my school, but who I don't know. It's 2 years later, and still I've heard more than once: "I know you-- you're the Purple Font Girl."
I'm the Purple Font Girl. Now that I'm back to posting online, it only seems fitting.
I'm the Purple Font Girl. Now that I'm back to posting online, it only seems fitting.