My elementary school, Centennial Elementary in Mt. Vernon, WA, was featured in the PBS special, Making Schools Work. They were chosen because of pretty incredible increases in student performance as a Success For All school. Eduwonk has an interview with the filmmaker .
A lot has changed at Centennial Elementary since I was a student there. Though Mt. Vernon is a rural community, Centennial had a largely white, middle class student body back in the day. Now, it has a significant population of children of former migrant workers, 35% English Language Learners, and 75% qualifying for free and reduced lunch.
But looking at the school's website, one thing struck me as constant: the teachers. Several of my former teachers were still teaching there: Mrs. Raschko, my first grade teacher, Mrs. Prange, who taught me 4th grade, and Mrs. Moore, who I had in 3rd. Several other teachers also worked in the school when I was a student. I remember these teachers, and the things I learned in their classes. I was lucky to have them--they instilled in me a love of learning and taught me the skills I would need for success.
And now, armed with the new techniques and skills that they have learned, these teachers are doing the same for the kids who are Centennial All Stars these days. I'm so proud of and for them!
A lot has changed at Centennial Elementary since I was a student there. Though Mt. Vernon is a rural community, Centennial had a largely white, middle class student body back in the day. Now, it has a significant population of children of former migrant workers, 35% English Language Learners, and 75% qualifying for free and reduced lunch.
But looking at the school's website, one thing struck me as constant: the teachers. Several of my former teachers were still teaching there: Mrs. Raschko, my first grade teacher, Mrs. Prange, who taught me 4th grade, and Mrs. Moore, who I had in 3rd. Several other teachers also worked in the school when I was a student. I remember these teachers, and the things I learned in their classes. I was lucky to have them--they instilled in me a love of learning and taught me the skills I would need for success.
And now, armed with the new techniques and skills that they have learned, these teachers are doing the same for the kids who are Centennial All Stars these days. I'm so proud of and for them!