Today, I am really appreciating my colleagues. They are a group of solid human beings that recognize that everything we're going through is not easy, and not normal. It is definitely hard to wrap our brains around how our lives changed so completely, so quickly. And how that, very likely, is still just beginning. I am trying to meet waves of distress (or worse) with kindness and compassion. I hope you are, too. This is not easy. And though we are physically apart, we do not need to figure it out all alone.
I'll admit it-- when I started this blog, I hadn't fully realized the journey we were going to be on. I thought it would be fun to catalog our experiments, and to share some of the tricks I learned over years of cooking resolutions and lean grad school years. It was intended to be fun, and maybe even helpful. Now, as we're approaching Week 3 at home, it is also helping us maintain a food rhythm and routine-- to take care of ourselves. Settling in to new patterns of giving and receiving care is fundamental. I really liked this article, shared by many academic friends of mine, but also making the rounds at work: "Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure." There is wisdom here. I am trying to receive it. Getting through is going to be all about a smart long game.
Now, today's food.
Leftover Jambalaya
I'll admit it-- when I started this blog, I hadn't fully realized the journey we were going to be on. I thought it would be fun to catalog our experiments, and to share some of the tricks I learned over years of cooking resolutions and lean grad school years. It was intended to be fun, and maybe even helpful. Now, as we're approaching Week 3 at home, it is also helping us maintain a food rhythm and routine-- to take care of ourselves. Settling in to new patterns of giving and receiving care is fundamental. I really liked this article, shared by many academic friends of mine, but also making the rounds at work: "Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure." There is wisdom here. I am trying to receive it. Getting through is going to be all about a smart long game.
Now, today's food.
English Muffin and Yogurt
Today's Muffin had almond butter, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Yogurt had pomegranate molasses and some slivered almonds.
Mushroom and Eggplant Ragout, Cannelloni Beans with Parsley Pesto
We really dug the mushroom ragout we shared on Day 3. The flavor is deep and rich, and very satisfying. We didn't have 2 lbs of mushrooms this time around, though, so we bulked it up with cubes of eggplant that were on their last legs. And threw in the handful or two of baby tomatoes that were also on hand. It had to cook a little longer to simmer off and soak in all the liquid thrown off by the additions. But when dinner rolled around tonight, we were ready to go.
Our trusty parsley had been in the fridge for 2 weeks, and was nearing its end. I pulsed the remainder with a clove of garlic, handful of Parmesan, olive oil, and salt. Then decided to add in a glug of red wine vinegar to perk it up. I tossed it with warm canned beans, and voila! The asparagus was roasted with balsamic and olive oil, salt and pepper.
So good. At lunch, I ate it straight from the container, so no pretty plate to share. You'll just have to trust me!